Advertisement has got everything but the product !
It starts like a filmy story where little girl and little guy are friends and they exchange gifts in childhood. So little hero of this movie gifts her little love a butterfly neck piece (Titli comes to play its role). And a quick sudden twist in story- family of little guy shifts to some other place in their "DAV" registered car. In a second, guy is grown up, Saif and he is in search of his lost childhood friend with her childhood picture. So people with this kind of mind are buyers of Airtel Digital TV. The little girl with a hair band on her head is also grown up into Sarah now but she still follows same hair style and the girl of this time who changes her accessory more than her clothes is still wearing that butterfly neck piece (Dil is indeed titli). Saif is tired of roaming around streets and getting stuck in traffic where he exchange signs with few people on road (including Sarah wearing same butterfly). Finally with all hopes lost, he returns and switches on his Airtel Digital TV. He is amazed to see that the girl whom he met in traffic was the same childhood friend. Airtel Digital TV gave such a clear picture that he could clearly see the neckpiece on the girl. Interesting that such clear picture is given but it is more interesting that journalist shooting that scene focussed on exaclty what Saif wanted to see. Any decent television where the picture is so centered and focused would definitely give desired results. The differenticating point would have come across if the girl was in background and was in a mob where it was difficult to locate her but Airtel Digital TV made everything so crisp that even minute details are big. The ad has been tried to give an interesting turn like in typical hindi movies by introducing Kareena. When Saif reaches to meet Sarah, he come across Kareena and suddenly all his desire change and he goes for Kareena. Again ! Interesting people are shown as users of Airtel Digital TV. Only if product loyalty was also well considered. Saif and Kareena are the most talked about bollywood couple today and Airtel has made the best out of given opportunity by giving people a gossip they like.
The ad definitely has a interesting, romantic, humorous, delightful concept. But somewhere the purpose of advertsing has completely changed now. The ad is meant for a product but now advertising agencies focus more on the aspect that how can they make their ad more talked about. Same is followed here where the buzz is definitely created by Saif and Kareena. Even more buzz is created by the beautiful butterfly music (Dil Titli) which is sung by Atif Aslam. His music has highlighted the ad much more. There are many ads where product and ad show a mismatch but still they leave a positive impact. Here, product is very strong and the ad is even stronger but still it leaves a mixed impact. A stong concept, strong actors, strong product have even stronger responsibilty on them. They cannot afford to miss on minute details. But still, kudos to JWT and Airtel the way they have taken audience attention.
Buzz is all that matters!!!